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Family Therapy

Foto do escritor: Jacqueline F. de AbreuJacqueline F. de Abreu

The field of Psychology is a vast one, and it brings a lot of different branches that deal with a wide range of issues in different ways. One of these branches is known as “family therapy”. It approaches matters with a tone of collectivism, and instigates change and development within groups of families. This approach helps dealing with both family and individual issues in a more beneficial way, as it addresses problems from a systemic perspective.

Every family has its inner struggles, and seeking a professional to help solving them is a fairly common practice that has proven to be very effective. The emotional distress in handling things unprepared can be replaced by a smoother, hassle-free process in therapy.

In this New Year, we have an upcoming event about some of the themes treated in family therapy. This traditional event, known as the World Family Therapy Congress, is in its 23rd edition, and will have as central topic “Dangers and Opportunities for Families”. It


is brought by the International Family Therapy Association, and, this time, will happen in Malaysia’s beautiful capital, Kuala Lumpur.

The goal is to promote awareness and development on the fields of family therapy, as well as exchange experiences and information for the sake of improving techniques and expanding the many approaches to an issue. This is a great opportunity both for professionals who want to learn more about their chosen field of work, and for the general audience who wants to apply whatever knowledge they manage to absorb in said congress.

The event will be multicultural and multilingual: all lectures will be translated to English, Mandarin, and Malay. The key speakers arerenowned professionals in the area of family therapy, eager to share their work with the public: Wai-Yung Lee, Ph.D.; John Banmen, Ph.D.; Judith Landau, M.D.; Kathlyne Maki-Bannen, M.S.W.; and Maurizio Andolfi, M.D.

For those who are interested, the 23rd World Family Therapy Congress will be held in the JW Marriott, a very enchanting hotel in the heart of the city, from the 11th to the 14th of March, 2015. More information can be found in their official website, There you can register, find out more about the city, plan your trip, and subscribe to a newsletter.

By Júlia Zumaeta, Global Awareness Consulting intern and Student at UESC – Foreign Languages Applied to International Negotiations.

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